Getting Started Designing Highly Interactive Websites with React, WordPress, and Elementor

interactive website

In modern web design, you often need to balance two fundamental needs: content creation and robust, interactive user experiences. WordPress has served as the “go-to” solution for content management, offering a straightforward interface for non-technical users to craft and publish content.

WordPress has been enhanced by a wide variety of page-building plugins, with Elementor standing out as one of the most powerful. Meanwhile, on the front-end side, React has gained tremendous popularity for building rich, dynamic, and highly interactive user interfaces.

While you could certainly let Elementor and WordPress handle both content and rendering, the flexible “headless” approach—using WordPress solely as a content management system (CMS) and React for front-end rendering—often provides the best of both worlds. We’ll dive deeply into how to get started designing a highly interactive website by combining WordPress (with Elementor for content creation and layout composition) and React as the front-end framework. We’ll touch on everything from the architectural overview to code snippets for fetching data, integrating 3rd-party services, and managing state. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a starting grasp on how to fuse these tools into a robust, modern web platform.

Introduction to the Architecture

When you combine WordPress and React, you essentially decouple your CMS from your front-end. This “headless” or “decoupled” approach means that your database and administrative interfaces for creating content still rely on WordPress, but you won’t use WordPress’ default theme rendering engine (PHP-based). Instead, you’ll build a standalone React application that fetches content from WordPress via an API—most commonly the REST API or a GraphQL plugin (e.g., WPGraphQL).

Here’s a simplified diagram of a typical React + WordPress architecture:

|   WordPress      |  <-- Content Management System (CMS) with Elementor for page building
|  (CMS + Elementor|
         | (REST / GraphQL API)  <-- Exposes data to the front-end via APIs
|  React Front-End |  <-- The front-end application built with React
|  (SPA or SSR)    |  <-- Can be a Single Page Application (SPA) or Server-Side Rendered (SSR)
         | (3rd Party APIs)  <-- Integrates with various external APIs
|   External       |  <-- External services such as payment gateways, analytics, etc.
|   Services       |

  • WordPress (with Elementor) handles all content creation. Your content creators can log into the WordPress admin panel, design pages with Elementor, and manage site content without having to write code.
  • React is purely responsible for the front-end experience. It retrieves data from WordPress and external APIs, builds the UI, and handles client-side interactions.
  • 3rd-Party APIs/Services can be integrated at the React level, or sometimes via WordPress plugins. Examples might be payment gateways, external data sources, authentication systems, or analytics services.

Why Elementor and WordPress for Content Management

Elementor is a powerful, drag-and-drop page builder plugin that significantly extends WordPress’ built-in capabilities. If you are using WordPress in a headless manner, you might wonder what role Elementor truly plays. Consider the following benefits:

  • Visual Content Layout: Non-technical users can design landing pages or modular layouts visually, which can later be exposed via custom templates or custom data structures.
  • Reusable Modules: Elementor supports sections, columns, and widgets that can be reused. This helps in building consistent content without code duplication.
  • Built-In Theme Style Options: Even though the final rendering might be done in React, you can still define style guidelines for images, text, and other UI components within Elementor.
  • Rich Editor Experience: For content teams that need a robust authoring environment (with text, video, or galleries), Elementor’s WYSIWYG approach can be a game-changer.

As you decouple, you still have to keep in mind that some aspects of Elementor’s front-end styling might not map directly to your React front-end. Instead, you’d treat Elementor pages as structured content that React can fetch, parse, and display in a consistent manner.

Why React for Front-End Rendering

React’s declarative approach, combined with a large ecosystem of supporting libraries, makes it well-suited for creating interactive web applications. Key advantages include:

  • Component-Based Architecture: Each piece of UI is encapsulated in its own component, making code reuse and maintenance easier.
  • Virtual DOM: React’s Virtual DOM manages updates efficiently. Highly interactive websites (with frequent state changes) benefit from React’s performance model.
  • Ecosystem: There’s a vast range of libraries for state management (Redux, MobX, Recoil, Zustand), routing (React Router), form handling, internationalization, and more.
  • SSR and SSG: Frameworks like Next.js and Gatsby allow you to incorporate server-side rendering or static site generation with React, which can greatly improve SEO and performance.

By separating WordPress’ content from the front-end you gain more flexibility in how you build the user experience. You can even implement advanced front-end features such as real-time updates, offline capabilities, or dynamic dashboards that might be cumbersome within WordPress’ traditional theming system.

Preparing Your Local Development Environment

Before you jump into coding, you need a local setup to develop and test both the WordPress installation and your React application. Below is a list of recommended tools and steps:

Local Web Server for WordPress

    • Local by Flywheel, MAMP, WAMP, or XAMPP can host your WordPress installation locally.
    • Alternatively, you can use Docker containers to isolate your environment.

Node.js and npm (or Yarn)

    • Install Node.js (version 14 or higher is often recommended). This will also give you npm.
    • Optionally, install Yarn for dependency management.

Create React App or Next.js

    • If you want a single-page application with client-side rendering, Create React App is a good starting point.
    • For SSR or static generation, consider Next.js.

Development Tools

    • VS Code (or another editor of your choice)
    • Postman or Insomnia for testing and inspecting API endpoints.
    • Browser DevTools for debugging front-end interactions.

Setting Up WordPress with Elementor

Installing WordPress

  1. Download and Install: If you’re using a local server environment like Local by Flywheel or MAMP, you can set up a new WordPress installation quickly.
  2. Configure Basic Settings: Perform the usual WordPress setup, including creating an admin account, setting your site title, and configuring permalinks (important for the REST API endpoints).

Installing Elementor

  1. Install the Elementor Plugin: Within WordPress, go to Plugins > Add New and search for “Elementor.” Install and activate it.
  2. Elementor Setup: Elementor will walk you through a quick setup wizard the first time you open it. Feel free to activate any of its optional modules.

Creating a Sample Page

  • Go to Pages > Add New, launch the Elementor editor, and start building a page. For instance, add a Hero section with a heading, subheading, and background image.
  • Publish the page and take note of the page’s slug, as you may use it to fetch data from the REST API or a custom endpoint later.

At this stage, you’re basically using WordPress/Elementor as a typical CMS. But remember that, in the final architecture, you might not rely on the front-end rendering from Elementor’s template. Instead, your React application will fetch the relevant content or layout data.

Configuring Headless WordPress

To truly use WordPress as a “headless” system, you should ensure that WordPress can serve content via an API. Luckily, WordPress comes with a built-in REST API, but you can also use WPGraphQL for a more flexible schema-based approach.

WordPress REST API

  • The base endpoint typically looks like:
    • The base endpoint typically looks like:
    • You can fetch posts, pages, media, categories, etc. For instance, to retrieve a list of pages:
    • Each piece of data will be returned as a JSON object or array of objects.

    WPGraphQL Plugin

    • Install the WPGraphQL plugin if you prefer working with GraphQL.
    • After activating it, you’ll have access to a GraphQL endpoint typically found at:
    • You can then query WordPress data using GraphQL queries, which can be more efficient if you only need certain fields.

    For simplicity, this tutorial will focus on the REST API approach, but the concepts for GraphQL are relatively similar—just the queries differ.

    Planning the React Application Structure

    Your React application can follow different structural approaches, but a typical layout could look like this:

					my-react-app/           # Root directory of the React project
 ├─ public/             # Static files like index.html, favicons, and images
 ├─ src/                # Source code directory
 │   ├─ components/     # Reusable UI components (e.g., buttons, forms, modals)
 │   ├─ pages/          # Page-level components for routing (e.g., Home, About, Dashboard)
 │   ├─ services/       # API calls and data-fetching logic
 │   ├─ utils/          # Utility/helper functions for reusable logic
 │   ├─ App.js         # Main application component
 │   └─ index.js       # Entry point that renders the React app into the DOM
 ├─ package.json        # Project metadata, dependencies, and scripts
 └─ .gitignore          # Specifies files and directories to ignore in Git


Components Folder

This directory holds reusable components such as Header, Footer, Sidebar, HeroSection, or any custom UI blocks derived from Elementor’s structure.

Pages Folder

When using React Router, you’ll likely create top-level components for each major route, such as HomePage, AboutPage, BlogPage, etc. If using Next.js, these become actual routes in the pages/ directory.

Services Folder

This is where you encapsulate your API logic—calls to WordPress’ REST API, or any 3rd-party services. Organizing your API requests here helps maintain separation of concerns.

Utils Folder

Holds utility functions and helpers for formatting data, date handling, or managing configurations.

Fetching Data from WordPress (REST vs. GraphQL)

Let’s illustrate a simple example of how you might fetch data from WordPress using the REST API within a React component.

Example: Fetching Pages

					// src/services/wpService.js

// Base URL for the WordPress REST API
const BASE_URL = '';

 * Fetches pages from the WordPress REST API.
 * @returns {Promise<Array>} A promise that resolves to an array of pages or an empty array in case of an error.
export const fetchPages = async () => {
  try {
    // Fetch data from the /pages endpoint
    const response = await fetch(`${BASE_URL}/pages`);

    // Check if the response is not successful
    if (!response.ok) {
      throw new Error('Network response was not ok');

    // Parse response JSON
    const pages = await response.json();
    return pages;

  } catch (error) {
    // Log any errors and return an empty array as a fallback
    console.error("Error fetching pages:", error);
    return [];

					// src/pages/PagesList.js

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { fetchPages } from '../services/wpService'; // Import function to fetch WordPress pages

function PagesList() {
  // State to store the list of pages
  const [pages, setPages] = useState([]);

  // useEffect to fetch pages when the component mounts
  useEffect(() => {
    async function getPages() {
      const data = await fetchPages(); // Fetch pages from API
      setPages(data); // Update state with fetched data
  }, []); // Empty dependency array ensures this runs only on mount

  return (
      <h1>All Pages</h1>
      {/* Render the list of pages */}
      { => (
        <div key={}>
          {/* Display excerpt with HTML rendering */}
          <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: page.excerpt.rendered }} />

export default PagesList;


Key Features:

  • State Management: Uses useState to store pages.
  • Data Fetching: Uses useEffect to call fetchPages on component mount.
  • HTML Rendering: Uses dangerouslySetInnerHTML to safely display WordPress excerpt content.
  • Performance Consideration: The effect runs only on mount ([] dependency array) to avoid unnecessary re-renders.

This structure ensures best practices for React component lifecycle and API calls.

In this snippet:

  1. fetchPages is a simple function that calls the WordPress REST endpoint.
  2. In the React component, PagesList, we store the fetched pages in a pages state variable.
  3. We render the title and excerpt fields. Note that some WordPress content fields contain HTML, so we use dangerouslySetInnerHTML to parse it.

Handling Elementor Content

Elementor often stores its layout data within the page’s content.rendered field or as custom meta fields. You might want to fetch the entire content.rendered and then parse or slice it into different sections in React. Alternatively, if you’re building a truly custom approach, you can store structured content (like JSON) in custom fields that React can interpret.

Handling State, Routing, and SEO

State Management

For smaller projects, using React’s built-in Context API or simple hooks might suffice. For more complex applications that require global state across multiple components (e.g., user authentication, cart items, or search filters), consider:

  • Redux: The classic solution with a large ecosystem of middleware.
  • MobX: Focuses on observables and a more OOP-like approach.
  • React Query: Ideal for managing server state with caching, especially helpful when retrieving data from multiple endpoints.


React Router is the de facto standard for client-side routing in a single-page application (SPA). If using Next.js or Gatsby, routing is built-in, so your folder structure in pages/ automatically handles routes.

SEO Concerns

A purely client-side SPA might have challenges with SEO if search engines don’t fully render JavaScript content. Potential solutions include:

  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Use Next.js to serve fully rendered HTML on the server.
  • Pre-rendering/Static Generation: Tools like Next.js or Gatsby can fetch data at build time and generate static HTML files, which are SEO-friendly.
  • Hybrid Approach: Some routes can be server-rendered while others remain client-side only.

Integrating Third-Party Services

One of the biggest advantages of a decoupled React front-end is the freedom to connect with various 3rd-party APIs and services with minimal friction. Examples include:

  • Auth Services (e.g., Auth0, Firebase Auth): For user authentication flows, social logins, etc.
  • E-commerce (e.g., Shopify, WooCommerce): You could keep WordPress as your marketing CMS while fetching product data from Shopify or another dedicated platform.
  • Analytics (e.g., Google Analytics, Mixpanel): Insert analytics scripts or libraries in your React application to track user engagement.

Code Snippet: Fetching External Data

					// src/services/externalService.js

 * Fetches data from an external API.
 * @param {string} endpoint - The URL of the external API.
 * @returns {Promise<Object|null>} A promise that resolves to the fetched data or null in case of an error.
export const fetchExternalData = async (endpoint) => {
  try {
    // Make a request to the specified endpoint
    const response = await fetch(endpoint);

    // Check if the response is not successful
    if (!response.ok) {
      throw new Error('Failed to fetch external data');

    // Parse and return the response JSON
    return await response.json();

  } catch (error) {
    // Log any errors and return null as a fallback
    console.error("Error fetching external data:", error);
    return null;


Improvements & Best Practices:

  • Function Documentation: Added JSDoc-style comments to describe function behavior.
  • Error Handling: Throws an error if the response is unsuccessful and logs it.
  • Return Value: Returns null as a fallback instead of an empty object to clearly indicate failure.
  • Async/Await: Ensures asynchronous data fetching with proper error handling.

This ensures a well-structured, maintainable, and robust API service function.

					// src/pages/ExternalDataPage.js

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { fetchExternalData } from '../services/externalService'; // Import function to fetch external data

function ExternalDataPage() {
  // State to store the fetched external data
  const [data, setData] = useState(null);

  // useEffect to fetch data when the component mounts
  useEffect(() => {
    async function loadData() {
      const result = await fetchExternalData(''); // Fetch data from the external API
      setData(result); // Update state with fetched data
  }, []); // Empty dependency array ensures this runs only on mount

  // Display loading message while data is being fetched
  if (!data) {
    return <p>Loading...</p>;

  return (
      <h1>Public APIs</h1>
      {/* Display a subset of fetched entries (first 5 items) */}
      {data.entries.slice(0, 5).map((entry, index) => (
        <div key={index}>

export default ExternalDataPage;


Key Improvements & Best Practices:

  • State Management: Uses useState to store fetched data.
  • Data Fetching: Uses useEffect to call fetchExternalData on mount.
  • Loading State: Displays "Loading..." until data is available.
  • Performance Optimization: Limits displayed entries to the first 5 using .slice(0, 5).
  • Best Practices: Proper error handling is implemented in fetchExternalData, ensuring graceful failure.

This ensures the component is efficient, clean, and easy to maintain.

This example fetches data from a public API, then displays the first 5 entries. In your real application, you’d integrate the relevant 3rd-party services that provide additional functionality (payments, advanced analytics, etc.).

Performance Optimization Strategies

Combining WordPress, Elementor, and React can sometimes lead to performance bottlenecks if not carefully managed. Here are some suggestions:

  • Caching and CDN: Use caching plugins on the WordPress side (e.g., WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache) and serve static assets through a CDN (e.g., Cloudflare, AWS CloudFront).
  • Minimize API Calls: Group your API calls, or use caching strategies like React Query to avoid repeated, unnecessary requests.
  • Lazy Loading: Dynamically import React components or large images to reduce initial page load time.
  • Efficient Image Handling: Elementor might allow you to manage responsive image sizes on the WordPress side. On the React side, consider using image optimization techniques (like Next.js Image component if using Next.js).
  • Use a Build Tool: Tools like Webpack or Vite optimize your React bundle. Ensure you set up production builds with minification and tree-shaking.

Handling Server-Side Rendering (SSR) or Static Generation

If SEO or initial load performance is a critical concern, you might want to consider SSR or static site generation:

  • Next.js: Offers SSR, SSG, and incremental static regeneration. You can fetch WordPress data in getServerSideProps or getStaticProps.
  • Gatsby: A static site generator that can consume data from WordPress at build time via plugins like gatsby-source-wordpress.

Example with Next.js

Here is an example of a Next.js page that fetches WordPress posts at build time, ensuring SEO-friendly static pages:

					// pages/index.js

import React from 'react';

 * Fetches blog posts from the WordPress REST API at build time.
 * Uses Next.js `getStaticProps` for static site generation (SSG).
 * @returns {Object} Props containing fetched posts and revalidation time.
export async function getStaticProps() {
  // Fetch data from the WordPress API
  const res = await fetch('');
  const posts = await res.json();

  return {
    props: {
      posts, // Pass the fetched posts as props to the component
    revalidate: 60, // Re-generate the page every 60 seconds for fresh data

 * Home page component displaying a list of blog posts.
 * @param {Array} posts - List of blog posts fetched from WordPress.
export default function Home({ posts }) {
  return (
      <h1>Blog Posts</h1>
      {/* Render the list of posts */}
      { => (
        <article key={}>
          {/* Render the post title safely */}
          <h2 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: post.title.rendered }} />
          {/* Render the post excerpt safely */}
          <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: post.excerpt.rendered }} />


Key Improvements & Best Practices:

  • Static Site Generation (SSG): Uses getStaticProps to pre-render the page at build time for better performance.
  • Revalidation: The page updates every 60 seconds to ensure fresh content without requiring a full rebuild.
  • Error Handling Consideration: Ideally, error handling should be added to getStaticProps to handle API failures gracefully.
  • HTML Rendering: Uses dangerouslySetInnerHTML for safely displaying WordPress-rendered HTML content.

This approach ensures optimal performance, SEO benefits, and maintainability in a Next.js application.

In this snippet, getStaticProps runs at build time (or every 60 seconds if using ISR), fetching posts from your WordPress site. The rendered HTML is SEO-friendly because it’s served as static HTML, with JavaScript hydration happening on the client side afterward.

Security Considerations

  • Authentication: If your WordPress site requires user logins or membership areas, consider using JWT (JSON Web Tokens) or OAuth for secure authentication between React and WordPress.
  • CSRF Protection: For authenticated requests that mutate data, WordPress uses nonces. If you’re building a decoupled front-end, ensure you handle nonce generation and validation properly.
  • Escaping User-Generated Content: Although you might use dangerouslySetInnerHTML in React, sanitize or validate the HTML from WordPress to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS).
  • HTTPS Everywhere: Deploy your site on HTTPS to ensure data integrity and security.
  • User Permissions: Use WordPress’ built-in role management to restrict access to certain endpoints.

Practical Example: Building a Multi-Page React App with Elementor Content

Let’s walk through a more cohesive example that pulls everything together. We’ll outline how to create a multi-page React application, each page displaying a different set of WordPress/Elementor content, along with data from an external service.

Directory Structure

					my-react-app/                # Root directory of the React application
 ├─ src/                     # Source code directory
 │   ├─ components/          # Reusable UI components
 │   │   ├─ Navbar.js        # Navigation bar component
 │   │   └─ Footer.js        # Footer component
 │   ├─ pages/               # Page-level components for routing
 │   │   ├─ Home.js          # Home page component
 │   │   ├─ About.js         # About page component
 │   │   └─ Contact.js       # Contact page component
 │   ├─ services/            # API service modules
 │   │   ├─ wpService.js     # Service to interact with WordPress API
 │   │   └─ externalService.js # Service for external API interactions
 │   ├─ App.js               # Main application component, sets up routing
 │   ├─ index.js             # Entry point of the React app, renders App.js
 │   └─ routes.js            # Defines application routes (if using React Router)
 └─ package.json             # Project metadata, dependencies, and scripts


Structure & Best Practices:

  • Modular Design: Components, pages, and services are kept in separate directories for maintainability.
  • Separation of Concerns: UI components are inside components/, while page-level components are in pages/.
  • Service Layer: API calls are abstracted in services/, making the codebase cleaner and easier to maintain.
  • Routing Management: routes.js is included to centralize route definitions if React Router is used.
  • Scalability: This structure allows for easy expansion as the app grows.

This directory organization ensures a clean, scalable, and maintainable React project.


Here we define our routes using React Router:

					// src/routes.js

import React from 'react';
import { Switch, Route } from 'react-router-dom'; // Import routing components from React Router
import Home from './pages/Home';    // Home page component
import About from './pages/About';  // About page component
import Contact from './pages/Contact'; // Contact page component

 * Defines application routes using React Router.
 * The `Switch` ensures only one route is rendered at a time.
function Routes() {
  return (
      {/* Home route - renders the Home component at "/" */}
      <Route exact path="/" component={Home} />

      {/* About route - renders the About component at "/about" */}
      <Route path="/about" component={About} />

      {/* Contact route - renders the Contact component at "/contact" */}
      <Route path="/contact" component={Contact} />

export default Routes;


Key Improvements & Best Practices:

  • Component-Based Routing: Each route maps directly to a page component.
  • Use of Switch: Ensures that only one route matches and renders at a time.
  • Explicit exact on Home Route: Prevents unintended matching of / with other routes.
  • Scalability: This setup allows easy addition of new routes as the app grows.

This structure ensures a well-organized, maintainable, and efficient routing system in a React application using React Router.


We’ll create some helpful functions to fetch content from WordPress pages that we’ve built with Elementor:

					// src/services/wpService.js

// Base URL for the WordPress REST API
const WP_BASE_URL = '';

 * Fetches a WordPress page by its slug.
 * @param {string} slug - The slug of the WordPress page to fetch.
 * @returns {Promise<Object|null>} A promise that resolves to the page object or null if not found.
export const fetchPageBySlug = async (slug) => {
  try {
    // Construct the API URL with the page slug
    const response = await fetch(`${WP_BASE_URL}/pages?slug=${slug}`);

    // Check if the response is not successful
    if (!response.ok) {
      throw new Error('Failed to fetch page');

    // Parse response JSON
    const data = await response.json();

    // Return the first matching page object if available, otherwise return null
    return data.length ? data[0] : null;

  } catch (error) {
    // Log any errors and return null as a fallback
    console.error("Error fetching page by slug:", error);
    return null;


Key Improvements & Best Practices:

  • Function Documentation: Added JSDoc-style comments to describe function behavior.
  • Error Handling: Catches and logs errors while returning null as a fallback.
  • Data Validation: Ensures data.length is checked before accessing data[0] to avoid errors.
  • Maintainability: Uses WP_BASE_URL for easy API URL management.

This structure ensures the function is robust, scalable, and maintains best practices for API interaction.


Let’s assume we have a WordPress page with the slug “home” that we’ve designed in Elementor (perhaps with a hero section, some text blocks, images, etc.). In our React app, we’ll fetch that data and render it:

					// src/pages/Home.js

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { fetchPageBySlug } from '../services/wpService'; // Import function to fetch WordPress pages

 * Home page component that fetches and displays WordPress content.
function Home() {
  // State to store the fetched page content
  const [pageContent, setPageContent] = useState(null);

  // useEffect to fetch page data when the component mounts
  useEffect(() => {
    async function loadPage() {
      const page = await fetchPageBySlug('home'); // Fetch the "home" page content
      setPageContent(page); // Update state with fetched data
  }, []); // Empty dependency array ensures this runs only on mount

  // Display loading message while content is being fetched
  if (!pageContent) {
    return <p>Loading...</p>;

  return (
      {/* Render the page title with HTML content */}
      <h1 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: pageContent.title.rendered }} />
      {/* Render the main content with HTML */}
      <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: pageContent.content.rendered }} />

export default Home;


Key Improvements & Best Practices:

  • State Management: Uses useState to store and update page content.
  • Data Fetching: Uses useEffect to fetch the page from the WordPress API on component mount.
  • Loading State: Displays "Loading..." until data is available.
  • HTML Rendering: Uses dangerouslySetInnerHTML for safely displaying WordPress-rendered HTML.
  • Scalability: The slug 'home' can be replaced dynamically if needed for different pages.

This ensures the component is efficient, maintainable, and follows best practices for fetching and displaying WordPress page content in a React app.

This Home component will display whatever content we put in the “home” page in WordPress via Elementor. If Elementor includes advanced elements, they will appear as HTML in the content.rendered, which is then displayed in the React front-end.

About.js and Contact.js

We can do the same pattern for pages “About” and “Contact,” which might also exist in WordPress:

					// src/pages/About.js

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { fetchPageBySlug } from '../services/wpService'; // Import function to fetch WordPress pages

 * About page component that fetches and displays WordPress content.
function About() {
  // State to store the fetched page content
  const [pageContent, setPageContent] = useState(null);

  // useEffect to fetch page data when the component mounts
  useEffect(() => {
    async function loadPage() {
      const page = await fetchPageBySlug('about'); // Fetch the "about" page content
      setPageContent(page); // Update state with fetched data
  }, []); // Empty dependency array ensures this runs only on mount

  // Display loading message while content is being fetched
  if (!pageContent) {
    return <p>Loading...</p>;

  return (
      {/* Render the page title with HTML content */}
      <h1 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: pageContent.title.rendered }} />
      {/* Render the main content with HTML */}
      <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: pageContent.content.rendered }} />

export default About;


Key Improvements & Best Practices:

  • State Management: Uses useState to store and update page content.
  • Data Fetching: Uses useEffect to fetch the page from the WordPress API on component mount.
  • Loading State: Displays "Loading..." until data is available.
  • HTML Rendering: Uses dangerouslySetInnerHTML to safely render WordPress-rendered HTML.
  • Reusability: Similar structure to Home.js, ensuring consistency and maintainability.

This component effectively fetches and displays the “About” page from WordPress, keeping the code clean, scalable, and optimized for performance.

					// src/pages/Contact.js

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { fetchPageBySlug } from '../services/wpService'; // Import function to fetch WordPress pages

 * Contact page component that fetches and displays WordPress content.
function Contact() {
  // State to store the fetched page content
  const [pageContent, setPageContent] = useState(null);

  // useEffect to fetch page data when the component mounts
  useEffect(() => {
    async function loadPage() {
      const page = await fetchPageBySlug('contact'); // Fetch the "contact" page content
      setPageContent(page); // Update state with fetched data
  }, []); // Empty dependency array ensures this runs only on mount

  // Display loading message while content is being fetched
  if (!pageContent) {
    return <p>Loading...</p>;

  return (
      {/* Render the page title with HTML content */}
      <h1 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: pageContent.title.rendered }} />
      {/* Render the main content with HTML */}
      <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: pageContent.content.rendered }} />

export default Contact;


Key Improvements & Best Practices:

  • State Management: Uses useState to store and update page content dynamically.
  • Data Fetching: Uses useEffect to fetch the page content from WordPress when the component mounts.
  • Loading State: Displays "Loading..." until the data is available.
  • HTML Rendering: Uses dangerouslySetInnerHTML to safely render WordPress-generated HTML.
  • Scalability: Maintains consistency with other pages (Home.js, About.js), making future modifications easier.

This ensures an efficient, maintainable, and scalable Contact page implementation in your React application.

Combining With 3rd-Party Data

Let’s say on the Contact page, we also want to fetch contact forms or some dynamic data from a 3rd-party service. We can easily do so by layering another request:

					// src/services/externalService.js

 * Fetches a random user from the Random User API.
 * @returns {Promise<Object|null>} A promise that resolves to a user object or null in case of an error.
export const fetchRandomUser = async () => {
  try {
    // Make a request to the Random User API
    const response = await fetch('');

    // Check if the response is successful
    if (!response.ok) {
      throw new Error('Failed to fetch random user');

    // Parse response JSON
    const data = await response.json();

    // Return the first user object from the results array
    return data.results[0];

  } catch (error) {
    // Log any errors and return null as a fallback
    console.error("Error fetching random user:", error);
    return null;


Key Improvements & Best Practices:

  • Function Documentation: Added JSDoc-style comments for clarity.
  • Error Handling: Properly catches and logs errors, returning null if the request fails.
  • Data Validation: Ensures the function returns only the first user from the results array.
  • Async/Await: Used for clean, readable asynchronous fetching.

This implementation ensures robustness, proper error handling, and maintainability when fetching random user data from an external API.

					// src/pages/Contact.js

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { fetchPageBySlug } from '../services/wpService'; // Import function to fetch WordPress page content
import { fetchRandomUser } from '../services/externalService'; // Import function to fetch random user data

 * Contact page component that fetches and displays WordPress content
 * and a random user from an external API.
function Contact() {
  // State to store the fetched page content
  const [pageContent, setPageContent] = useState(null);
  // State to store the fetched random user data
  const [randomUser, setRandomUser] = useState(null);

  // useEffect to fetch both the page content and random user when the component mounts
  useEffect(() => {
    // Fetch the "contact" page content from WordPress
    async function loadPage() {
      const page = await fetchPageBySlug('contact');
    // Fetch a random user from the external API
    async function loadRandomUser() {
      const user = await fetchRandomUser();

    // Call both functions on component mount
  }, []); // Empty dependency array ensures these functions run only once when the component mounts

  // Display loading message while the page content is being fetched
  if (!pageContent) {
    return <p>Loading page content...</p>;

  return (
      {/* Render the page title with HTML content */}
      <h1 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: pageContent.title.rendered }} />
      {/* Render the main content with HTML */}
      <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: pageContent.content.rendered }} />

      <hr />

      {/* Render the random user information once it's available */}
      {randomUser ? (
          <h2>Random User Info</h2>
          <p>Name: {`${} ${}`}</p>
          <img src={randomUser.picture.medium} alt="Random User" />
      ) : (
        <p>Loading user data...</p>

export default Contact;


Key Improvements & Best Practices:

  • State Management: Uses useState to store both the WordPress page content and random user data.
  • Data Fetching: Uses useEffect to call fetchPageBySlug and fetchRandomUser only once when the component mounts.
  • Loading States: Displays "Loading page content..." while the page is being fetched and "Loading user data..." while the random user is being retrieved.
  • HTML Rendering: Uses dangerouslySetInnerHTML to safely render WordPress-generated HTML content.
  • Separation of Concerns: Page content and random user fetching are handled in separate async functions.

This ensures an efficient, maintainable, and well-structured Contact page implementation in your React application.

Now our “Contact” page merges WordPress content with dynamic data from a random user API, demonstrating how flexible this architecture can be.


Building a highly interactive website with WordPress, Elementor, and React involves carefully orchestrating the roles of each technology:

  • WordPress + Elementor: A robust CMS foundation that enables content creators to visually build and manage content.
  • React: A modern, component-based JavaScript library that excels at creating dynamic, interactive UIs.
  • REST or GraphQL APIs: The bridge between your CMS data and your front-end application, allowing decoupled data flow.
  • 3rd-Party Integrations: Extending your application’s capabilities by tapping into external APIs for e-commerce, authentication, analytics, or other specialized functionalities.

Here are some actionable next steps to take your project further:

  • Refine Your Content Strategy: Investigate how Elementor stores custom fields or modules. Consider setting up custom post types in WordPress and mapping them to your React components.
  • Adopt Advanced State Management: If your application grows complex, consider Redux or React Query for more robust state and data-fetching patterns.
  • Enable SSR or SSG: For improved SEO or performance, explore Next.js or Gatsby. This will require some adjustments to how you fetch data (e.g., using getServerSideProps or getStaticProps).
  • Security & Authentication: If your site needs user logins or membership areas, investigate WordPress JWT authentication plugins or external auth solutions.
  • Performance Tuning: Leverage lazy loading, code splitting, and caching strategies. Also optimize images and other media within Elementor to reduce bandwidth usage.
  • Design System Integration: Consider using a UI library like Material-UI, Chakra UI, or Tailwind CSS to ensure a coherent design across your React components.
  • Production Deployment: Deploy your WordPress installation on a reliable hosting service, and deploy your React application to a platform like Vercel, Netlify, or your own server. Ensure you configure environment variables for your API endpoints.

By combining the user-friendly content editing capabilities of WordPress + Elementor with the power and flexibility of a modern React front-end, you can build an experience that satisfies both marketing teams (who want quick edits and customized layouts) and developers (who demand performance, scalability, and maintainable code). The decoupled approach frees you to integrate any number of 3rd-party APIs or custom services, turning your site into a truly modern, interactive platform.

Ultimately, the decision of going headless with WordPress isn’t just about technology; it’s about ensuring that non-technical editors have a frictionless means to publish content, while front-end developers can innovate freely without the constraints of a traditional WordPress theming system. With Elementor’s intuitive page-building interface and React’s unparalleled capabilities for dynamic UI, this stack has the potential to power anything from a personal blog to a large-scale enterprise web application.

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